«The Beast» Cash Leaderboard

Win up to $500 in prize money every week in The Beast.
The Beast is a weekly race for cash-game players.
Only 6-max and 9-max tables qualify for The Beast.
The race starts every Saturday at 00:00 ET and runs until 23:59 ET the following Friday.
How is the prize pool of the The Beast race formed?
There is no additional fee for participation in the race. The commission for the participants of the race is deducted from the rake that the players already pay during the regular game.
The amount of the race commission varies depending on the number of players at the table:
- 2 players — $0.02 of $0.06 rake — max $0.04 per hand
- 3 players — $0.02 of $0.06 rake — max $0.08 per hand
- 4 players or more — $0.02 of $0.06 rake — max $0.24 per hand
How to earn points?
For every $0.02 Weighted Contributed Rake, the player is awarded 1 point.
For example: 9-max, $0.50/$1.
5 players folded preflop and 4 posted 1 big blind ($1). On the flop, the first player shoved for $50, the second and third players folded, and the fourth player called for $50.
The pot ended up being $104 and a $3 rake was also generated:
- $2.76 is a regular rake
- $0.24 is fed to The Beast.
The number of points players’ll earn depends on how much rake they contribute:
- First player – 5.25 points
- Second player – 0.75 points
- Third player – 0.75 points
- Fourth player – 5.25 points
Payouts explained

Every $3,500 in the Sit & Crush prize pool, the prize pool adds:
- 1 prize of $500
- 2 prizes of $250
- 5 prizes of $125
- 12 prizes of $50
- The remaining $875 is transferred in a prize race
Additionally, top players of the leaderboard will be awarded a $95 Beast & SnC Monster Mega Sat Ticket. Satellite starts on Sunday at 18:05 ET.
How to find my current position on the leaderboard?
Check your progress by clicking on the “Leaderboard” logo in the poker client lobby.
Terms & Conditions
- The race runs from Saturday 00:00 ET to the following Friday 23:59 ET.
- Only 6-max and 9-max tables participate in the race. Heads-up tables don’t qualify for this promotion.
- Players are not charged additional rake to form the prize pool of the race. Its taken from a part of the regular rake.
- Prize are paid out on Mondays.
- Tournaments for the winners of the race take place every other week. Players are responsible for participating in the tournaments. In the case of absence, they miss the opportunity to receive additional prizes.
- 25% of the prize pool is carried over to the next race.
- Tournament places obtained through participation in the race cannot be transferred, sold or exchanged for money.
- Race scores are updated in real time.
- No points are awarded for participating in the Sit&Go tournaments.
- Cheating or team play is prohibited.
- Each player who gets into the prizes of the race, while suspected of cheating or team play, must prove that they did not violate the rules of the race. The burden of proof is on the player. The room may require the player to show how he played while participating in the race. If the player fails to show his game to the representatives of the room, he may be deprived of the prize.
- If a player enters the prizes of the race due to fraud, his prize will be forfeited. These funds will be used to compensate other participants in the race.
- If you suspect a race participant of cheating, please contact our support team.
- The PokerKing room reserves the right to change the terms of the promotion at any time without prior notice.
The information on this page is valid as of July 7, 2023.