7 Day No Rathole Cash Game Tables

Exclusive cash game format that is loved both by amateur and regular players.
7 Day No Rathole Tables Features:
- Buy-in = 10 Big Blinds. But there are “spot” tables with 40 bb starting stack.
- If you leave a winner and want to return to the 7 Day No Rathole table, you must come back with the same amount you left with (that amount locked in for 7 days).
For example, Player A buys-in for $1,000, wins $500 and leaves the table with $1,500. Two days later he returns to play again and when he sits down, he will be prompted to buy-in with the $1,500 he left with.
Player A is able to sit down with 10 big blinds after 7-day period when he won the money.

The information on this page is valid as of September 20, 2022.